The Word — 8/31/2024
Pastor’s Pondering: Words of Life — 8/24/2024
Pastor’s Pondering: A More Perfect Union — 8/16/2024
Pastor’s Pondering: God’s Providence – 8/4/2024
Proposed HUMC Committee Membership for 2021
Attached is the proposed which will be voted at the October 20 Church Conference:
Church Council
Purpose: Plan and implement a program of Nurture, Outreach, Witness, and Resources. Annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the Church.
Nurture—attention to individuals and families of all ages.
Outreach—attention to local and larger community.
Witness—strengthening evangelistic efforts sharing Christian experience and expression of faith.
Meetings: meet at least quarterly, sooner if called for. First agenda item reviews Nurture, Outreach, and witness activities, then administrative and support functions. All decision-making should be consensus/discernment style.
Other responsibilities: review membership; fill interim vacancies; establish a budget based upon recommendations from finance committee; recommend to charge conference the remuneration of pastor on recommendation from pastor parish relations committee.
Composition: chairperson of the Church Council; Lay Leader; chair or representative of PPR; chair or representative of the Finance Committee; chair or representative of Trustees; Church Treasurer; lay member to annual conference; president or representative of UMW and UMM; young adult representative; representative of UMY; the pastor(s).
Quorum: members present and voting at any duly announced meeting.
Current Members: Chair- Bill Lawhon
Lay Leader- Joanne Purcell
PPR- Jade Layman
Finance- Barb Butler
Church Treasurer- Barb Butler
Trustee- Mickey Gourley
Lay Member to
Annual Conference- Cary Purcell
Optional: UMM representative
UMY representative
Young Adult representative
Worship representative
Christian Education representative
Board of Trustees
Purpose: To provide vigilant and comprehensive stewardship of the church’s physical property. To review the adequacy of property, liability and crime insurance coverage for the church property and operations. With the consent of the pastor, grant outside entities to use church facilities, where appropriate. To receive and administer all bequests and trusts in conformity with paragraphs 2532-2552, inclusive, the Book of Discipline of the UMC. To provide annual board of Trustee’s report to the Charge Conference, in accordance with paragraph 2550 of the Book of Discipline of the UMC.
Composition: More than three, but less than ten members. There shall be 1,2,3-year class rotation, and the board shall meet within thirty days of the new year to elect a chair, vice chair and secretary.
Current membership: Chair- Mickey Gourley – 2
Vice Chair- John Wolfe- 2
Secretary- Bill Lawhon- 3
Julie Britton- 1
Carey Purcell- 1
Committee on Pastor Parish Relations
Purpose: To confer with and counsel the pastor on matters pertaining to the effectiveness of ministry; relations with the congregation; conditions that may impede the effectiveness of ministry, and to interpret the nature and function of the ministry. To confer/consult with the pastor pertaining to the use of gifts, and priorities for demands and effectiveness of the mission/ministry of the congregation.
To confer with the pastor should it be evident that the best interests of the church and pastor will be served by a change of pastors.
The committee is responsible for keeping themselves informed of the personnel matters involving church activities.
Composition: Greater than five, but less than ten members; to include Lay Leader and Lay Member of Annual Conference. There shall be 1,2,3-year class membership rotation. Retiring members shall not succeed themselves.
Meetings: Committee shall meet at least quarterly or more often, as necessary. Pastor shall be present except when he/she excuses themselves.
Committee meets only with the knowledge of the pastor or District Superintendent.
Committee may meet with the District Superintendent without the pastor present; however, the pastor must be notified prior to such meeting at which a pastor’s appointment is discussed and brought into consideration immediately thereafter.
Current Membership: Chair- Jade Layman 2
Linda Joseph- 2
Barb Butler- 1
Erika Wolfe 1
Phyllis Gourley 1
Lay Leader- Joanne Purcell ex officio
Lay Leader to
Annual Conference- Cary Purcell ex officio
Committee on Finance
Purpose: Two persons to count offerings (this is to protect the reputation of those counting, they cannot be from the same family), funds to be deposited promptly and recorded by financial secretary.
Committee shall make provisions for annual audit of financial records. It is recommended that the audit is an outside agency.
Committee shall recommend to church council depositories for church funds deposited in the name of the church; contributions designated for specific purpose shall not be used for any other purpose; any appropriations outside, or changes in approved budget must be approved by church council.
Committee shall report to church council all designated funds separate from the current expense budget.
Composition: Pastor, Treasurer, Finance Chair, Lay Member to Annual Conference, Chair of Church Council, Chair of Pastor Parish Relations Committee and representative of board of Trustees.
Current Membership: Chair/Treasurer Barb Butler
Church Council Chair Bill Lawhon
Lay Leader Joanne Purcell
PPR Chair Jade Layman
Trustee Rep. Mickey Gourley
Lay Member to Cary Purcell
Annual Conference
Members at Large: Dave Holl
Phyllis Gourley
Pastor Lee Cubie
The church treasurer shall disburse all money as per church’s budget and other costs as Church Council may determine, and shall make detailed reports on disbursements to Church Council.
Committee on Lay Leadership/Nomination Committee
Purpose: To identify, develop, evaluate and monitor leadership of the congregation, discerning the spiritual gifts (abilities) of the congregation.
The committee will recommend to Charge Conference individuals to serve as officers.
The Committee will guide the development and training of spiritual leaders; will recruit, nurture, and support spiritual leaders and will asses changing leadership needs in the church.
Composition: Less than ten members in addition to the pastor, who is chair, and the Lay Leader. A lay person, elected by the committee will act as vice-chair. There shall be 1,2,3-year class membership rotation—retiring members shall not succeed themselves.
Current Membership: Pastor/Chair Lee Cubie
Lay Leader Joanne Purcell ex officio
Linda Joseph- 3
Phyllis Gourley 2
Marsh Clayborne 2
Erika Wolfe 1
The committees listed are the necessary committees according to the Book of Discipline. Other committees that we have fielded in the past are:
Committee on Membership and Outreach/Evangelism:
Purpose: To develop an approach to strengthen the church’s current membership. To develop a plan by which we reach out to the local community with the word of God and encourage our church members to grow in the grace of giving as an essential part of Christian discipleship.
Committee on Worship:
Purpose: To plan and provide for the Spiritual development and growth of our faith community. To coordinate the worship services utilizing hymns, music, paraments, and other church assets to deliver a cohesive Christian message for worship services and other spiritual aspects of the church.
Committee on Christian Education:
Purpose: To define a plan for Christian growth and education of the congregation, especially its youth.
If we would like to have these committees we could place them under an umbrella committee. That committee could be named the Nurture Committee.
*the above committee descriptions come from the Book of Discipline as compiled by Don Russell.
Hopewell Work Day – May 18, 2019
Adults and youth worked together to beautify, clean, repair, and refurbish the 103-year-old church building and grounds…and to enjoy lunch together afterward. Here are scenes of some of the activities.
Peeps Dioramas: The Life of Jesus
Several Sundays before Easter, Pastor Lee distributed boxes of Peeps, the marshmallow chicks and bunnies, to the youth and challenged them (working with their parents) to create a scene in Jesus’ life. Their creative interpretations, which the youth brought to church on Easter morning, were wonders to behold. Among the themes were
‘Walking on Water’
‘Entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday’
‘The Temptation of Christ’
‘The Last Supper’
‘Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension’
‘Free-form Expression’
What joy these brought to the Hopewell congregation! Praise be to God for the creative expression of our youth and for Pastor Lee’s inspiration and parents’ encouragement.
Easter 2019 Services
Dear Hopewell Friends and Family,
Following is the schedule for tomorrow’s Easter services at Hopewell United Methodist Church. Please note this is different from our normal worship time.
Come! Celebrate the risen Lord!
Sunrise Service 7 AM
Breakfast following the sunrise service; bring a dish to share…or just come and enjoy!
Worship Service 8:30 AM